Marital Counseling

If you are willing to make a commitment to your marriage based on the eternal principles and promises of the word of God, you can take heart and set your expectation in proportion to your commitment. Contrary to what the world believes, one person can salvage a marriage. In fact, most of the people we support fall into this category. Even when both come, one is usually reluctant to counseling and in most instances only one really cares about the outcome. If you think there’s no hope because you are the only one in your relationship who wants or cares enough to try to save your marriage, you are mistaken! Most torn marriages are brought to new life and new vitality by the interest of only one party. We have seen many marriages saved when only one partner applied biblical principles in a wholehearted commitment to the covenant they made with God and each other. Know that we are willing to get in the ring with you and fight for your marriage, because preserving the family is our passion!
happy couple with their counselor

Call now for your free assessment and evaluation! 817-781-1971

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